Arthur Kill Terminal - Benefit Cost Analysis and Economic Impact Analysis

BJH completed a series of Benefit Cost and Economic Impact Analyses for Arthur Kill Terminal (AKT), an offshore wind port that is currently in development on the west shore of Staten Island. The facility will be a special purpose marine terminal for the staging, assembly, and deployment of components necessary to support the installation of offshore wind projects along the eastern seaboard, including the recently auctioned New York Bight.

These analyses were incorporated into multiple federal and state grant applications, including those for MARAD’s Port Infrastructure Development Program and the Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Program. The BCA methodology used in the analysis was consistent with the U.S. Department of Transportation Benefit-Cost Analysis Guidance for Discretionary Grant Programs. AKT was recently awarded $48 million through the PIDP program for their project.

New York State
2020 - 2021
Economic Development Policy
Fiscal and Economic Impacts


Huntington Station Downtown Revitalization Initiative


Ronkonkoma/Midway Crossing